Local Pick Up Information
You order will be fulfilled at the location you selected when you checked out. Here is the information you need for the two locations. Not sure where you selected? Check the main section of this email again.
598 River Road, Fenwick
Code for the box: 598
The box is located beside the white shed. We have a friendly pregnant cat that likes to sit on top of the box sometimes, she is slow moving these days. She's a very happy indoor outdoor farm cat. We also have a small puppy who may bark at you through the window. Please close the lid fully and re-lock the lock when you are finished grabbing your order.
I HIGHLY recommend picking you order up as soon as possible. Although the box is weather proof, the cold and the heat may effect the natural materials I use. Pick up from this location is at the risk of the buyer.
53032 Perry Road, Wainfleet
We are open Monday - Friday, 9-4 only I may not be able to accommodate late pick up from this location. Ethan and I share this location with my business and his family business Stockroom Supply. Please enter the main door and one of the Stockroom employees can help you locate your package if I am not around.