Hey! I'm Ashley. If I'm not at home or in my wood shop you can find me at a thrift store or an all you can eat taco bar.
When I started in 2015 I was making wreaths and circle signs but I've expanded into Montessori toys, door mats and of course, laser engraved IG props. And tacos. I love tacos. Taco recipes, pictures of tacos. You get it.
I've been really open about our struggles with infertility, frequent miscarriages, the stillbirth of our daughter, our foster care journey and in 2017 when we finally brought home our son, my battles with postpartum depression and more recently. our adoption processes.
I'm the most outgoing introvert you'll ever meet. Sure I want to go out for dinner but like it's 10:07 and it's bedtime now so bye. I'll take the rest of my spinach dip to go. Saturday morning yard sales are my jam. Up before 7 with a fanny pack and a type A executed list with map? Yep that's me. I'm also a type 6/3/1 on the enneagram which basically means I'm over emotional and thrive with lists and my own time line.
I'm a fourth generation woodworker. I've taken what ma mama gave me and combined that with modern day technology. I have a laser, a cnc, and a workshop full of tools and with that I make laser engraved milestones and IG props, Montessori toys and nursery decor.
I also have a blog! (How very millennial of me, right?) But I share comfort food recipes, hosting tips, all about our adoption journey and homesteading tips and tricks. We have a garden, a flock of chickens and some ducks all on a half acre in rural Niagara, Canada.